A curated list of California & Pacific Northwest journalism jobs delivered to your inbox.

New York City isn't the only place where journalism lives and thrives.

As a West Coast journalist, it can be hard and even sometimes depressing looking through job board after job description saying a really great opportunity is based in New York City. Most freelance resources are for journalists in NYC. Most journalism organizations only have events in NYC. I’ve been there. I know.

Introducing the West Coast Media Jobs & More newsletter, hoping to pick up where Run Gomez’s much-beloved missed CA Media Jobs newsletter left off. The goal of this newsletter is to be an inclusive resource and community for journalists in California and the Pacific Northwest.

You missed a bunch of excellent open positions — how can I get them into the newsletter?

Oh no! Unfortunately, that does happen sometimes. This is a one-woman show run by me, Mallory, and I’m an adjunct professor and freelance journalist. You are always, always welcome to submit job postings via Twitter @WestMediaJobs or @MalloryCarra (DM or tag us!), via email hello(at)westcoastmediajobs.com, or this Google form.

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📩 Send over those open roles!

Feel free to submit any details or context about the open role, too! I’d love to include that.

How can I support your newsletter?

I’m so glad you asked! Here are some ways you can support:

☕ Buy me a coffee

💵 Sponsor an ad

📩 Refer a friend

This all sounds great, but you didn’t address my question.

Feel free to reach out to me in any of the above ways and I’ll try to help! Thanks so much for reading.

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Subscribe to West Coast Media Jobs

A journalism jobs newsletter focusing on California, the Pacific Northwest, & remote roles by @MalloryCarra .


Journalist, podcast producer, and professor. www.mallorycarra.com